Wellness Education Magazine, Leadership Edition, August 2024
Psychological Safety in the Workplace: Lessons from the classroom by Gail Markin & Selma Smith
Link to article: wellnessedmag.com/WAug24/viewer/desktop/
BCSSA InspirED Spring 2021 Publication
It was an honour to be featured in the BC Principals & Vice Principals Association March 2020 cover feature. A Day in the Life of District Principal. I had the opportunity to share my journey as an educational leader as well as tell others what my day to day is like. Thank you @BCPVPA for your support! |
BCPVPA Leadership Standards 2019
First established in 2007, the Leadership Standards publication is designed as a guide to hold student and adult development, engagement, and learning central to all leadership practices. The Leadership Standards is recognized by B.C. educational leaders and partners including the B.C. Ministry of Education, and has received international recognition as a comprehensive and practical guide to educational leadership in British Columbia.The purpose of the Leadership Standards is to foster continuous professional learning and development in working towards effective leadership.The document is not intended as an instrument of evaluation or to be prescriptive in nature, but rather to be used to support the individual Principal or Vice-Principal in identifying and reflecting on their own learning needs.
I participated in working group with school administrators from across the province of British Columbia. A highlight for me personally was assisting with the section on Ethical Leadership as well as supporting the importance of including the First People's Principle's of Learning throughout the document and ensuring our collective work to uphold the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada's recommendations. True reconciliation goes beyond the report and needs to be at the forefront of all of our actions as educators and leaders.
BCPVPA Leadership Standards 2019
I participated in working group with school administrators from across the province of British Columbia. A highlight for me personally was assisting with the section on Ethical Leadership as well as supporting the importance of including the First People's Principle's of Learning throughout the document and ensuring our collective work to uphold the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of Canada's recommendations. True reconciliation goes beyond the report and needs to be at the forefront of all of our actions as educators and leaders.
BCPVPA Leadership Standards 2019